
In the future we will be providing unique events that will incorporate the basic principles and philosophy of intuitive movement and enerchi, such as the following;

  • Retreat – 1 Day, 3 day weekend and 5 day. More details coming soon for a 1 day Taster retreat in Malta 2024 and a 5 day Retreat with Sacred Vibrance in 2025. Further Taster Day Retreats will be held in Cheshire in Spring 2025
  • Enerchi Dance – A live music journey for feeling free & expressive
  • Enerchi Sound – Using sound and intuitive movement for healing
  • Mindfulness Enerchi – Combining chi (energy) with mindfulness exercises and meditation

More details to follow in the future….

Movement and Enerchi is delivered for you by Broad-minded a Wellness Service
© MovementandEnerchi